Mentors are different than career coaches in the sense that a mentor will share their knowledge and experience with you, whereas a career coach will guide you to overcome one specific challenge or obstacle that you are facing. For example – a business mentor will share with you their experience at running a business. However, a business coach will work through your own ideas to help your business grow to its full potential.
Both can be useful to have, as they can empower you in different ways. We’ve talked about the benefits of having a career coach previously, so today, here are 8 benefits of a mentor for your future personal and career development.
#1 Mentors can be a good source of knowledge
There are a lot of resources out there (books, podcasts, articles, etc) that can tell you how to do things. But nothing can beat actually listening to a story and asking your questions directly at the source. Having a mentor allows you to learn from their experience and journey, and from their past mistakes and successes. This can help you as you go out to make your own career decisions.
#2 Mentors can be a good sounding board.
Sometimes, we all need an unbiased source of advice and opinions. A mentor can help to listen to your ideas and concerns and provide advice based on their knowledge and experience. For others, a mentor can help them to think about things from a different perspective. At the end of the day, you may choose to act on their advice or otherwise.

#3 Mentors can help to open up doors to new opportunities.
Mentors are usually people who have more experience and years in the industry. Therefore, having a mentor can help you to get connected with other people in the industry. For graduates and young professionals, this can be tremendously useful as you can get access to experienced industry professionals. Building your network as a young professional can be challenging, but having a well-connected mentor can ease the journey.
#4 Mentors can help you to set your goals.
Let’s face it – sometimes we don’t know what we’re working towards. Having a mentor can help us to be more focused in setting our professional goal(s) and come up with ways to achieve them. A mentor can help you break down your big goals into smaller, more manageable pieces.
#5 Mentors can help you grow, personally and professionally.
Maybe you’re a first-generation kid who has no idea what the corporate world looks like. Or maybe you’re a first-time mom and are clueless about how to balance life as a working mom. Whatever your situation is, having the right mentor can help you to focus on what is important to you and help you to overcome any challenges. Your mentor will be able to guide you through the obstacles and find areas for improvements as and when needed.
#6 Mentors can help you to stay accountable to your goals.
It is easy to lose track of your goals and forget about them. But when you set your goals with your mentor and schedule regular check-in mentoring sessions, it can help you to stay accountable. You know that your mentor will want to hear updates on your work and what you have accomplished. It can also be a source of motivation knowing that someone is keeping track of your achievements and rooting for your successes.

#7 Mentors can help you to stay inspired.
If you and your mentor share similar backgrounds, they can help you to stay inspired knowing that success can be possible. Seeing someone that you personally know being successful in their role can inspire and motivate you to work harder to achieve your own goal. When you surround yourself with inspiring people and mentors, it is much easier for you to stay focused on achieving your goals.
#8 Mentors can help you to develop your skills.
And lastly, being in a mentoring relationship can help you to develop your communication and leadership skills. This can include the ability to converse and discuss with industry professionals who may be on a different level than you. You can also learn how to problem solve effectively and how to talk through your challenges and come up with solutions easily.
So how do you find a mentor?
Utilize LinkedIn or other social networking sites to find potential mentors. Make a list of what you are looking for in a mentor and send out a few messages to potential mentors. You may also participate in a more structured mentoring programme, such as mentoring schemes at your organization (if available).
Our personal favorite is the Primed for Success movement, which provides a safe and inclusive environment for students and graduates to connect and be mentored by a group of mentors from various industries and professionals. You may choose to join one of their many weekly Zoom sessions on Friday nights, or participate in a physical mentoring session. It is a very casual environment, and you can commit as much or as little as you want. So come and join as a one-time thing, or join us every week and become a regular member. Or, come every month or two as and when you need help – we’ll be there!