confident at work

How to be more confident at work?

For a lot of us, especially fresh graduates who are just starting to build your careers, transitioning from university to the real life can be hard. Stepping into that first job (or even that first promotion!) can bring a lot of uncertainties and uneasiness in us.

How do we know that we are good enough for this?
How do we know that we are ready for the new opportunity?
What if we mess things up?
What if your manager who hired you suddenly figured out that you don’t actually know anything?

All these thoughts, and many many more, are normal thoughts to have. This comes from the fear of the unknown and doing something outside of our comfort zone. But staying within what feels ‘right’ is a disservice, not only to your company, but also to yourself and your future self. You will only be able to grow when you take the leap into the unknown, and this may require a bit more confidence and strength in order to succeed.

So how can you become more confident at work? What habits or activities can help you to develop more self-confidence? Here are some of our favorite things to help build more confidence at work, so you can in turn become the best version of yourself out there.

confident at work
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash
#1 Know your strengths and how you can best utilize them at work

Nobody is good at everything, and everybody is good at at least something. So take time to find what your strengths are and how you can best capitalize on your skills at work. When you spend your day using your strengths, it can help you to feel more energized and engaged, helping you to be more confident at work.

Remember that you were hired for the role because of what you are good at. Everyone has something of value to offer to the company, even if it is in a small way. If you don’t feel like your current role can provide you with the opportunities to work on your strengths, try to look for other roles within the company that would give you a much better platform to use them. Speak with your line manager and seek out projects or opportunities that will allow you to thrive.

#2 Start small and build up from there

When we talk about being more confident at work, it does not necessarily translate into being aggressive or exceedingly outgoing all at once. It is all about being more confident in a way that works for you, and how you want to be more confident.

For some people, being more confident at work means being able to speak up in meetings, or learning how to lead a group discussion. For others, it is about being able to present a report to the senior management flawlessly. It may also be about getting to know more colleagues in the company, or learning to take ownership of your work and achievements.

Whatever it is, you can start small and work your way up from there. Focus on building your confidence through a gradual shift in your habits and actions, rather than jumping heads on into things.

#3 Be kind to yourself on your past mistakes

Everybody starts from square one in their career. Mistakes are inevitable, especially when you are starting out in your first job. So don’t be too harsh on yourself if you make any mistakes. However, you have to reflect on your mistakes so you can ensure that you will not be repeating the same mistakes in the future.

Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash
#4 Keep a smile file or a ‘kudos’ folder

There will always be ups and downs when it comes to work. You will have good days, where you feel energized and can easily cruise through your to-do list for the day. And then you would have the bad days, where you have low motivation and nothing you do seems to be working. On these ‘bad’ days, it can help to have a ‘kudos’ folder. In this folder, you can save any emails, text messages, or feedback from managers, colleagues, or clients that can boost your confidence. It can also include anything from your career journey that can motivate you further.

This may include anything from compliments, feedback emails, past bonus or offer letters, awards, pictures of families, appreciation emails from clients, or anything that can remind you about why you do what you do. So whenever you feel like the world is crashing down on you, you can look back on all your achievements and feel more confident about what you do.

Lastly, remember that it will be a never-ending journey, so be patient

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