During our career coaching conversations, we work with individuals to identify their strengths and help them to find a path that fits with what they want in life. In most cases, people already have an idea of what they want in life, or in their career. But they just need some help to figure it out. So, here you go. A list of 30 easy and simple questions to ask yourself that can supercharge your career.
Supercharge your career today!
- If I can have any jobs in the world, without having to worry about the salary, the location, the requirements, etc, what job would I want?
- How do I want my colleagues and the people that I serve remember me after I leave the job?
- What would my friends and colleagues say are my top 3 strengths? What about my top 3 weaknesses?
- What is the top 3 things that I look for in a job or a career?
- Who are 5 people that I need to connect with this year to potentially open more doors for me in the future? Read this for tips on how to network.
- What are some of the unhealthy work habits that I have that negatively impact my work quality? How can I cut them off?
- How can I challenge myself to go out of my comfort zone this year?
- Where can I go to seek for additional help or resources to help me achieve my goals?
- Am I surrounded by people who can inspire and motivate me? If not, where can I find a community of supportive people who can help keep me accountable to my goals?
- What parts of my job now do I really enjoy doing? And what parts do I not enjoy doing?
- If I didn’t have to worry about failing, what career move would I try?
- How would I describe myself to someone who has never met me before?
- What would a perfect, ideal work day look like to me?
- How do I want people to feel after they meet me?
- Who are the people that I look up to in my life? What about them or their life/career that I want to emulate in my life?

Be in control of your career development.
- When I look at a job advertisement, what are some of the things that I would immediately look for?
- What are some of the things that I have done that made me feel like “Wow, I’m actually really good at this!”. Am I doing less of these kinds of things, and do I want to change it?
- What are the 3 areas or skills that I want to develop in the next 6 months?
- What is the #1 barrier or obstacle that is stopping me from achieving my goals?
- How am I taking care of my physical and mental health to ensure that I am in a good shape?
- What are some of my biggest achievements at work (or in life), and who are the people who have helped me to reach it?
- What does success look like to me, and how would I feel when I have reached that point of success in my life?
- Am I doing this because of what other people expect from me, or am I genuinely interested in it?
- What would I be willing to give up in order to reach my goal?
- What are the non-negotiable things in life that I will never sacrifice in my quest for success?
- How can my current job allow me to contribute to the betterment of society?
- If I have to do something for free for the rest of my life, what would it be?
- If I were to die tomorrow, what would be my biggest regret in life?
- What scares you more – the possibility of failure, or the regret of not trying something?
- Am I doing something of value with my job/life right now? What can I do to increase the value of my work?
Kickstart your career journey!
We hope that some of these questions that help you to discover new things about yourself or uncover any hidden stories. If you would like to take it a step further and supercharge your career, schedule a coaching call with us and let’s work through these together!

And don’t forget to join us on Saturday, 23 September 2023 as we talk about how you can best prepare yourself for your first step into the management level. Sign up now to secure your spots!