For a lot of young graduates, they worry about finding their first jobs. They worry about being able to secure an interview or landing a good job. Others may worry about being able to deliver well in their first job. However, for experienced professionals, the question is always: When do I know it’s time to find a new job?
When you’re in a comfortable job that pays relatively well, it can be easy to want to stay there. However, complacency can be harmful and leads us to ‘settle’ for less. So, here are 5 signs it’s time to find a new job if you are starting to feel complacent at your current job.
#1 You are no longer learning or growing at your job.
When you first start a new job, you will be challenged with a lot of new things and processes. After a couple of years on the job, the learning curve may have plateaued. You may not be challenged enough, or find that you are doing the same routine thing every day. Things may just be business-as-usual (BAU) for you.
When there are no longer opportunities for you to grow, it may be time for a change. You may consider speaking with your line manager about potential opportunities within the company. A lateral move within the company may be easier than finding a new role in a new organization.
#2 You are not compensated enough for what you do.
When you first started out in your career, salary might not be big on your mind. However, as you take on more responsibilities at work, you may feel like your compensation is not increasing as much as you’d like. If you have tried asking for a raise but have been shot down, maybe it’s time to find other opportunities. Who knows, perhaps you may be able to land a better role with a much better compensation package!

#3 Your priorities in life has changed, and your current job does not align with your new values.
We are humans, and our priorities in life change as we grow older. As a fresh graduate, we may have less commitments and can focus more on building our careers. As we grow older, we may opt for opportunities that would allow for flexible working hours or better work-life balance. Some of us may even look for remote or WFH opportunities that can allow us to spend more time with our loved ones. Whatever your priorities are, if your current job and company cannot cater to your new life values, it may be a sign that it’s time to look for a new opportunity.
#4 You are no longer excited about your work.
Realistically, not everyone is lucky enough to find a job that they love 100%. However, if you find yourself constantly looking forward to the holidays and weekends, and dreading Mondays, it may be a warning sign. Your work may no longer excite you or inspire you enough to want to come to work on a daily basis. This can be due to various reasons, such as being bombarded with stressful tasks or not feeling valued enough at work. Maybe it’s time to consider finding an opportunity that can help bring a little joy to your life.
#5 Your gut feeling tells you that it’s time for a change.
Sometimes you cannot put a word to a feeling, but deep down, you feel that it’s time to move on. It may not be anything major, but there’s just something that tells you that you need to find a new opportunity elsewhere. While we would tell you not to ignore your gut feeling, it is also important to be mindful of your actions. Don’t blindly quit your job without thinking through the possible consequences. Hop on a coaching call or talk through your decision with someone to ensure that you are covering all your bases. This can help make sure that you are making the right decision for your future, instead of following the trends.
Sometimes, you just have to know when it’s time to move on.
You can have multiple signs popping up telling you it’s time to find a new job. But sometimes, it’s knowing how and when to act on them. Even when you do decide to move, you have to be mindful of what to look for in a new job. It pays off more to be careful and deliberate in your decision, rather than to act out in haste.
Whatever your decision is, we wish you all the very best in your career choices. Remember, you can always schedule a coaching call with us if you need help going through your options!